Are you struggling with BPH?

Join Dr. Jason Phillips, a urologist who is focused on treatment options for men suffering from prostate issues including BPH, as he hosts a lecture on BPH. Hear what the latest treatments can do for you or someone you know who is suffering from these often embarrassing yet all too common issues affecting men.

Symptoms include:
• Frequent urination both day & night • Weak/slow urinary stream • A sense that you cannot completely empty your bladder • Difficulty/delay/urgency in starting urination • A urinary stream that stops and starts

June 8: 12-1pm:

  • Tri-City Medical Center
  • 4002 Vista Way, Oceanside

Brochure: BPH Event: June 2016
Article: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia – Symptoms and Treatment Options for BPH

Call for a Consultation    (760) 295-8894